Arrow of the Divine Wind
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I recently bought some nice ass pens with some seriously fine tips.  This pic is more or less a test drive.  I also bought one of those wooden modling dolls, ya know the kind that are supposed to help you draw the human figure better.  Yeah well, I think wasted my money, damn thing's limbs don't bend more than a 45 degree angle, and the hips look like crap, which happends to be the part I'm worst at.


Something I doodled at work a while back.  I forgot i even had it untill I was diging through some old CDs and it fell out.  I kinda like drawing with colored ink, it adds a different vibe to the whole picture.


This is an atempt to copy Yoshitaka Amano's style, at least in pencil.  Amano is a god where it comes to watercolor.  I'm not to happy with the left hand or the waist.  I always have trouble with the waist, it's a real pain to make it look right.  Anyway, do you think it looks like his style?


I got the idea for this guy after watching "The Labyrinth".  His name is Rin Glan De'tar, the spelling will probably change later.  He's a merchant, kinda the ones you don't fully trusy but carry the best stuff.  A vagabond and a bit esentric, he always got at least 3 different deals on the side going on.  He's not to be messed with.


This guy is from an idea I had about a futurist world that uses slaves, conveniently called 'units'.  He's part of a anti-slavery resistance, though he's not a unit himself, you can tell by his size.  Anyway, he's a total gun nut, and always goes out of his way to get more weapons.


In many of my ideas, concepts, whatever their is someone that looks like this guy.  His basic personality doesn't change much from story to story.  He's a laid back kinda guy, often having jobs like running a newspaper stand or convenient store, but he's hard worker.  He's almost in high spirits, and can get quite excitable if the current topic interests him.  He's just seams to fit in to most of my ideas.


This is a fanart of Yorda from the PS2 game Ico.  I don't draw fanarts to often so enjoy it.  I didn't start out trying to draw her though, but after a while she looked more like Yorda than my own character. 


This was done some time after I beat "Kingdom Hearts", I wanted to see if I could do that style.  Personally, that game was a double-edged sword.  It was done by Squaresoft, who I think are one of the best (could ya tell), yet Disney was invoved.  To me, Disney is a evil, vile, corupt company that is warping our youth.


This is another unfinished project.  I couldn't deside on her clothes so it remains as it is.  I want to finish this one, I'm thinking something like Celes's outfit from FF6, but I also think that a flowing dress would look very nice in the wind.  I'll finish it someday, I hope.


The Dark Realm is a harsh place. It is the ulitmate 'survivial of the fittest' seniario.  Only the strong exist, the weak are showed no mercy.  Because of this it is full of sorrow and pain.  However those who survive become truely strong, for they gain humility and integrity, something that is often lacked in the lofty Realm of Light.


Another resident of the Dark Realm.  This guys was drawn while I was in a rather deppresed mood, and he reflects it.  It's the only real discription of that peticular emotion.  It shows anger, sorrow, and exhaustion.


This guy here isn't a demon like the other demon picture here.  I named him that for lack of a better word.  He's just your standard issue, bigger than normal, kick ass, winged humaniod.  He doesn't fit into any of the worlds I've thought up.


This pic is of a demon, however I must clarify what that is.  I'm guessing that most people here will think I'm talking the devil kinda demon.  Well it's not, 'my' demons are just a general name of those who live in the Dark Realm, a concept the apears in a few of my ideas.  They have no connection any evil powers.


This one is one of my best, in my opinion.  I'm real bad at front view faces too.  The name is kinda hard to explain in this limited space, so lets leave it with she's was in a dream I had.


This one is a pic of a wizard for the same dead RPG as the fox-thing below.  Think one was an attempt to go back to that style, it was ok.  I'm always trying new things out, though I've never took a lession or read a tutorial on drawing anime.


Can you guess where I got the inspiration for this one?  Yep, the most popular Final Fantasy series.  Personally, I think 6 and 7 were the best, after that they when down hill.  Anywho, the one thing that bugs me about this pic is the hand of the guy, I was horrable at them back then.  I did this one in September 2002.


Alas, this is the last of this perticular style, at least it when out with a bang.  This is one of the few pics I've done a background in.   I'm ok at them but by the time I get around to it I just want to get it over, thus I do a horrable job. 


This was an idea for a character race in an ill fated RPG concept.  I got some imperation from Riki from "Saga Frontier".  They were the most in tune with nature thus would have bonuses when it came to natural magic.  Needless to say the project in on indefinate hold.


This one did shortly after the above, in the same style, as you can see.  It took a while to get the kicks to look right.  The Vegetta style hair is much harder than it looks.


This picture was the first of a new style and was done shortly after the below.  This style only lasted a few pics but I like how it looked on female characters.  This one almost feels like it could be in the game "Chrono Cross".


I drew her around August 2002, I was goint to give her a rave outfit but I was so worried that I'ld screw it up, I just left it.  This is Neko, who is from the same would be manga as the S-type CG pic.